Independent Women's Forum 'Take Back Title IX' Bus Vandalized

3 months ago

Posted • June 22, 2024: Sounds like the patriarchy decided to make an appearance at the Independent Women's Forum's (IWF) bus tour fighting back against the trans movement and its efforts to erase women. The 'Our Bodies, Our Sports #TakeBackTitleIX' bus that has been traveling across the country with women advocating for women in their sports and spaces was vandalized overnight at a stop in Chapel Hill, NC. Not only was the bus egged, it was covered in profanity and anti-woman rhetoric. Tell us you're a mentally-ill, mediocre, sad little man who wants to pretend he's a woman without telling us you're a mentally-ill, mediocre, sad little man. IWF was not at all intimidated and in fact, seems more FIRED UP than ever.

Independent Women's Forum @IWF: “🚨 ATTACK ON FEMALE ATHLETES ON TOUR 🚨 BUS TOUR THREATENED: Overnight vandals violated nearly every inch of the Our Bodies, Our Sports #TakeBackTitleIX bus in Chapel Hill, NC. Egged & defaced with profanity & anti-woman messages. Radical gender ideologues on a mission to erase womanhood seek to keep us quiet. WE WON’T BACK DOWN. WOMEN WON’T BE SILENT.” -- And boom. So much boom. -- Independent Women's Forum @IWF: “Bad enough they're throwing women under the bus, now they're throwing eggs at it. What's next⁉️ VIDEO OF VANDALIZED OUR BODIES, OUR SPORTS #TAKEBACKTITLEIX SUMMER 2024 TOUR BUS”

The trans movement is filled with angry and sadly even violent people … clearly. Independent Women's Forum @IWF: “Gender ideology seeks to destroy, NOT understand, uplift, listen, or reason. During Pride, we're told that it is about love and acceptance. Thanks for showing your true colors. We couldn't have done it better ourselves.” -- To be fair, we already knew the trans movement's true colors. They've been showing them to us and insisting we accept them or ELSE for years now. Independent Women's Forum @IWF: “No one is above the law, right? We expect a real investigation here. The reason this happens is because certain groups know they are above the law, and they act with impunity. @CarrboroPD is on it.”

With Biden in charge? Psh. We wouldn't be surprised if they investigated the women involved for being big meanies to men who think they're women. Independent Women's Forum @IWF: “On top of the late night attack, at the Chapel Hill tour stop last night, a male, who expressed support for the cause, took a sharpie from a young female tour staffer & instead of signing his name on the bus like other supporters, wrote ‘Transphobic P****” then violently threw the sharpie at the young woman while screaming “F**k you” in front of children & their families. When did PRO-WOMAN become ANTI-TRANS or anyone?” (…)

• More at: Twitchy - WE WON'T BACK DOWN! Independent Women's Forum Goes Straight-FIRE After Take Back Title IX Bus Vandalized
Our Bodies, Our Sports: Keep Women's Sports FEMALE Rally

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