The Session! - What is The Entity Trying To Tell Us?

7 months ago

Kayleigh wants answers!

She wanted to do another Ouija Board, but after the trouble we've had previously with it, we decided to use other methods instead.

Before we even started rolling on the camera, the Bible flips itself open to Revelations 13:18, with the chapter marked with what looks like a spot of blood!

As I read this chapter out to the camera, the Bible slams itself shut!

Following this, Kays asks or another object to be moved. Not long afterwards, the Hex bag lifts into the air and violently flings itself towards Kayleigh, just missing her right shoulder!

Voices start coming out of the Spirit Box and the K2 Meter stars flashing like mad!

One could say a pretty successful session of communication, but not the type we really want!

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