7 months ago

When I want to prolong the quality of my facial treatments, I use Elaxen PLLA Mask a 3 part mask that has Poly-L-Lactic Acid and minerals plus peptides to improve skin tone and reduce wrinkles over time. Excellent in healing wounds and rejuvenation. Helping skin regeneration with soothing effects that provides conditioning to calm redness on the skin.
PLLA which is Poly-L-Lactic Acid is a biostimulator. Using as topical PLLA over time this process increases production of collagen which thickens skin, smooths fine lines and plumps up wrinkles. Not a quick fix, but with continuous use the results are magnificent. Get glowing and experience for yourself.
Stay safe, healthy, hydrated and beautifully infinite 💐🫶🏼💐

Aesthetic Maison
Code: Beautiejunkie

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