Beulah Land Far Sickness For A Land I’ve Never Been & sLICE OF LIFE how a family from Ukraine

7 months ago

Paul Williams
Beulah Land

Paul Hamilton Williams Jr. (born September 19, 1940) is an American composer, singer, songwriter, and actor. He is known for writing and co-writing popular songs performed by a number of acts in the 1970s, including Three Dog Night's "An Old Fashioned Love Song" and "Out in the Country", Helen Reddy's "You and Me Against the World", Biff Rose's "Fill Your Heart", and the Carpenters' "We've Only Just Begun" and "Rainy Days and Mondays". He also wrote "Cried Like a Baby" for teen idol Bobby Sherman.
It’s Interesting What Triggers One.
This came up on the TV a week or so
This is my wife’s lovely home.

I drug her from lamp post to hell and gone doing what I thought was God’s WILL.
We both worked very hard.……
Some will appreciate the metaphor others will cringe.

These last ten years I have let loose of the reins and have given her, her head.
We’ve always joked; I was the work horse and she is the race horse.

About Beulah Land
A German word: fernweh. Literally translated as “farsickness,” the term is closely related with the concept of wanderlust. Just the mere thought of some places can fill us with a sense of fernweh, even when we’ve never been to there before—or, in the case of fictional places or places that no longer exist, can never reasonably expect to.exist.
Beulah Land
Below Is Merely Information
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Intent, until he became calloused over and over until he could no longer feel the pin prick of the Holy Spirt.
Gene Autry –
I'm an Old Cowhand (from the movie Back in the Saddle 1941)
When things were still pretty quiet. We know what December 7, 1941 awaits our parents and our grandparents.
There is a story told about my Grandfather Unruh. It happened some time between 1932 – 1940.

I think, it was my Mother who told the story about where they grew up in Central Kansas about where she and her two brothers and two other two sisters lie East of Hutchinson Kansas off old Hwy 61.

It was was the worst of times and the best of times didn’t arrive until 1942. When America went to a World War 2, war footing did everyone have a secular job.
Or they had a job in support of the war equipment, or was in the US Military.

In the military of 2 million troops in the field, who were 450,000 didn’t come home in one piece.

Many lost their lives about 300,000 and 150,000 came home with less limbs than they started.
Of that 150,000 were ones who came home with a half a brain and those who we call PTSD.
They didn’t have the luxury of having a diagnosis to hang their hat on; so to speak.

Everyone on your block was effected in way or another.

Back to our Story 1932 – 1940
It was when Tax Revenue Agents came around each year to each of the Sand 10 Acre plots.

The Revenue Agent taxed how many domestic animals, how many farm animals and how many wheels you had on the ground.
That’s why you see today how many cars and trucks up on blocks.

My Grandfather Abe and Grandmother Helen Unruh.
As religious fanatics as they were; paid as few taxes as possible.
I loved them for it.

My grandfather along with grandma owned a 10 acre lot. He built a three room basement house.
And that’s all further he got in 1928, until better times come along. Better times were hard to come by; even into 1942.

So he and grandma raised six children.
The oldest being the most responsible, to help care for her mother and four of her pregnancies; as well as the care of each the new siblings.
My mother was the caregiver, born in 1917. She was also the smallest and least educated.

I told you how poor they were in contrast to the story about the Revenue Agent

Revenue Agent
My Mother is telling the story.
“We knew when Revenue Agent would come. So my Father called Shepp over to his side.
He then took the dog to put it in burlap bag and pulled the draw string
About that time the Revenue Agent showed up.
He starts to count the hens and chicks running about, the of number of hogs, shoats and weaner pigs.

He says to my father. “It says here.” Pointing at his clipboard , “Abe. That last year you had a dog. I don’t see him about this year.”

My mother doing her best to sound like her Father. “I heard you were coming around today, so I took him and hung him up in a tree outback of the house.”

The Revenue Agent looked kinda sick and left soon afterwards. We saved a dollar, that year on our taxes.

While ago i found an expense book for Abe Unruh, third generation Mennonite, since they came from the old country, Ukraine by way of Germany and Denmark to America’s Heartland, Kansas.

Bringing with them the Red Winter Wheat.
How they kept seed from Ukraine to Kansas; I was never privy to that story.

If any of my family knows a story about the Unruh family. I would be interested in hearing from you.
If you are my family, then you will know my email address.

The Unruh family were pacifist.
They were pacifists on religious grounds.

Even at that 2 of my Uncles served in a non combat position aboard a Liberty ship in the Mediterranean.

Receiving men out of the battlefield in fist out of Italy then later out of Normandy in the Atlantic

They earned the name “two brick shithouses.”
No one got passed them.

When they were called to service both, as Nurses on Liberty Ships.

They took care of men who were out of their mind because of pain or because of the horrific scenes of war they had witnessed.

Melvin and Ramon were the size of Navy Seals but with a caring heart of a nurse.

They both came back to find occupations as instructors of a cappella at Nazarene colleges.

I understand, Melvin had a high tenor voice. When he sang people were moved to tears.
To my knowledge, there is no known copy of Melvin or Ramon singing.
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A Major Paradigm Shift Is Taking Place In Human Relationships
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JUN 6, 2024 AT 12:47 AM
An excellent article about the changes in which I have only alluded to in past articles.


DRUPITER makes several intuitive distinct challenges which is on our threshold, and include more than 6,500 patents to be made available to investors.
He further points to how relationships will change, what worked for marital, business and familial relationships may not work in the future.

Men and women will change, to a more traditional roles.
Men and women will no longer engage in user type relationships, using sex for power and or for manipulation.

Men and women will gravitate toward others who are like minded; with a desire to have children.

Mothers being Mothers
Fathers being Fathers

So many medical changes are in offing, men and women will remain fertile past 100 years of age.

The average reader may take about 20 minutes to read the article and that many days to fully comprehend what the author coveys.
You may skip the first 13 minutes unless you are Interested in attending a spiritual event in San Diego California USA in July. 2024.
Proverb 13:22
I am
God’s Man
God Supplied
A vessel For Him

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