Trump Says CIA Blocked Him From Releasing JFK Files, Vows To Release All Documents When Reelected

8 months ago

Posted • June 22, 2024: Trump Says CIA Was Behind The Effort To Block Him Releasing The JFK Assassination Files, Vows To Release All Documents When Reelected 一 Donald Trump says he believes the CIA was behind the effort to keep the JFK records hidden, vows to release all records while joining the All In Podcast.

Chamath: "When you got elected in 2016, you said the first thing or one of the things you wanted to do was release the JFK file, and then you said later I saw it and I just I wasn't really ready to do it… I'm just curious… what's in [the files]?"

Trump: "I was hit by some people that worked for me that are great people that you would respect. And they asked me not to do it."

"And I'm saying, why? Tell me why… I respect the people and would have done that again, but this time I'm just gonna do it."

Jason Calacanis: "RFK says the CIA ended his uncle’s life. Do you believe that?"

Trump: "Well, this wasn't CIA that asked me, but I think CIA was probably behind it, but they would've preferred that I not release the rest of it."

"It's gonna be done early on. A lot of people wanna see that. And whatever it may say, I won't say I sort of have an idea, but whatever it is, it'll be very interesting for people to see and we're gonna have to learn from it."

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