6/21/2002 - News Report on the "Dancing Israelis" who filmed the 9/11 attacks on the WTC ✈️💥🏢🏢🕺✡

8 months ago

With each passing 9/11, old news reports are shown, except this one. You will never see a Mainstream Media Outlet remind us that a group of Israeli Jews, who turned out to be Mossad agents, setup in advance to film the 9/11 attacks on the WTC, celebrated, danced and took pictures of themselves smiling and laughing with the burning towers in the background. In some photos, they held up lighters with the burning towers behind them, to (through forced perspective) make it appear as if they were lighting the WTC towers on fire. 😩

They were arrested, held by the FBI for 71 days, then deported back to Israel without charges. Upon returning to Israel they sat for a TV interview where one of them admitted, "we were sent to document the attacks," which meant they had advanced knowledge of what would happen that day, and knew they were attacks, at a time when the media was reporting it as "pilot error." Our Greatest Ally? 🤔

Another excellent report on the "Dancing Israelis".
Corbett Report: 9/11 Suspects - The Dancing Israelis ✈️💥🏢🏢🔥🕺📷✡️

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