Coca-Cola Be less white employee training

9 months ago

This is by far one of the best commercial songs ever.

When I first watched it a few months ago it brought back so many memories and maybe it's just because I was alive when it aired, I want to hear it over and over again. I'm humming it right now.

All commercials are brainwashing and this is no different, but now they have tainted it.

I just realized that I don't really know why the evils want to kill off the white race.

I get that most (not all, especially now) white people used to be more intelligent than Hispanics, especially, and black people, but there's got to be another reason. I don't think it's that simple. Note: there are always exceptions to the rule.

It could just be that just like with Agenda 21 and having low IQ 3rd world country people taking over every white person's job that this is what it's all about.

Blacks in the US, at least, still get jobs. I called American Express last night and I lost 2 1/2 hours of my life and was beaten up by that PIECE OF SHIT COMPANY. The black girl who was very nice, even knew a bit about the Truth, didn't know her job at all and wasted my time.

It's not the first time I have called and I hear predominantly black people there and at other companies too.Sometimes I NEVER hear a white person.

Just like ALL of the low IQ immigrants who have flooded all 1st world countries like the US, Canada, the UK, Germany, Italy and France, this is no different, it's just going at it from a different angle. So they have to continuously make it so that the 3rd world country people get everyone's jobs and with the brainwashing about whites, start to feel SUPERIOR and maybe even outnumber white people in ALL of these countries.

Again, this did NOT just start last year. Agenda 21 started in the early 90s.

Getting back to Amex, last year I got into a fight with a bitch on the phone because the 2 black people before her made mistakes or weren't very nice (angry energy), and then this white chick starts making mistakes and I said "OMG, I expected more from a white person." I should have said American, but whatever.

Well SHE FREAKED OUT on me DEMANDING to know what I just said.

I started to feel embarrassed and then thought WTF, who the fuck does she think she is and why is she getting angry at me, isn't she white?

I won't relay the rest other than to say the next time I called to have something done with my account, the bitch had blocked my accounts and from what I heard, that isn't an easy task. WOW

Amex didn't give a shit at all and awarded me a whopping $25 that I had to demand over and over again for a month. I bet you she STILL works there.

Well last night a same similar thing happened.

I said to the girl, you are American, right, and she said no. I waited for her to tell me where she was from and she didn't, so I asked her and she said Egypt, and I was like... Really??? You have no accent. I was actually impressed. Then she starts to explain why and then catches herself and tells me in an irked voice, "can we get on with the reason for your call?" I got upset. Like WTF??? I started raising my voice saying, "if YOU have a problem with me, get me someone else."

She refused, then refused to give me a manager, then she called me disrespectful. Why???? Because I was impressed she wasn't American and sounded like one??? So what if she was from Egypt. I had no ill feelings towards her at all until she started acting like a BITCH.

I hung up the phone on the bitch and later reported her, but even when I asked a Filipino, "You are from the Philippines right,? he said yes and then quickly didn't want to talk about it.

I can tell you now that Amex is brainwashing EVERYONE who works there about how everyone is the same, NO WE AREN'T, and something to do with race.

And whenever they transfer me (8-9 fucking times I had to talk to different people) they said, "and here is my wonderful colleague," and they are always so chipper and I HATE HUMAN ROBOTS. WOW That was a very tough call for me.

Do you know how many times they demanded I answer security questions JUST to create an online account to see my transactions??? Just to get online statements? Do you know how many OTPs I had to enter in (9 or more) and then their site started blocking me from the US site because I'm not there. I was so furious I was getting angry towards the end.


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Thank you and have a lovely day/night!


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