Aila: Focus on China's Nuclear Arsenals and Projects

7 months ago

06/21/2024 Aila on Grant Stinchfield Show: Any of the Chinese representatives that were sent to those semi-official talks are absolutely connected with the PLA and CCP. When they said they have absolute confidence in winning to invade Taiwan, it shows the world that CCP is ready to invade Taiwan at any time and be fully confident of the victory. CCP not only develops nuclear weapons in the mainland, but also along with many other countries in strengthening their nuclear powers under the guise of civilian projects.
#NuclearTalks #USCHINA #InvadeTaiwan #CivilianNuclear
06/21/2024 小飞象做客Grant Stinchfield Show:任何被派去参加这些半官方会谈的中方代表绝对与中共解放军和中共有关联。当他们表示坚信能在侵台战争中获胜时,这是在向全世界表明中共随时准备侵台,并对胜利充满信心。中共不仅在中国大陆发展核力量,它还打着民用项目的幌子帮助许多其他国家发展核能力。
#核武器会谈 #中美 #侵台战争 #民用核能

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