#180 - Aman Jabbi Discusses Agenda 2030 And The 17 Sustainable Development Goals

8 months ago

Aman Jabbi is a former Silicon Valley electrical engineer and computer scientist with expertise in the development of smartphone camera technology.

In this sobering podcast Aman talks about the the manipulation of minds and understanding cybernetics, as well as unveiling the hidden agendas of the sustainable development goals.

The 2030 Agenda lists 17 specific goals. As with Agenda 21, on the surface, the intentions appear noble and altruistic. But remember we live in an inverted world.

In this conversation, Aman Jabbi reveals the true intention behind the UN 2030 Agenda and how it will be implemented through the 17 goals.

Something to think about next time you read or hear about 15-minute cities, digital IDs, health passports and reducing carbon footprints….

I hope you enjoy this episode.

Much love Ahmad

Links -
Twitter: https://twitter.com/noflaps
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/noflaps/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/AmanJabbi

Mirrored from / Original Video Source: Doc Malik - https://rumble.com/v4xjktw-180-aman-jabbi-discusses-the-agenda-2030-and-the-17-sustainable-development.html

My Channels:
NotMSM - https://rumble.com/c/c-2594130
GoodVsEvil1 - https://www.bitchute.com/channel/WcKcScJIjN6U/

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