WENDY BELL RADIO ft. John Guandolo (see description box for content)

5 months ago

Friday June 21, 2024
*FBI visits dissident of the woke agenda at home.
*New York celebrates the totalitarian state.
*Democrats are leading the Communist movement in the US.
*It’s always about control and power, Shumer, Biden, Harris, Obamas are statists admiring Stalin and Mao and they are treasonous bastards.
*Anti-semitism vs. Islamophobia
*The key doctrine in Islam is Jihad against non-Muslims until Sharia is imposed on all human being.
*The difference between a democracy and a Constitutional Republic - Democracy is actually Mob-ocracy where majority rule regardless of the rights of the minority and it always devolve into tyranny and chaos. A Constitutional Republic - Majority rule with respect to the minority rights.
*Jihad is a demand on Muslims from Allah.
*Trump elected into the White House won’t save America, it must be done at the lical level.

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