ABDUCTED BY WHITE SHOES acting as Police Te Puke New Zealand

7 months ago

This video is Court Evidence by an Under Cover Researcher that was Publicly Abducted by Te Puke Tauranga Police who said his name was Owen. Watch the 2 Actors in WHITE SHOES make a False Fake Fraud Arrest. This proves how neo nazi white extremist Police pedophiles in Uniforms are getting Away with Human Trafficking SLAVERY in New Zealand. Caught on Camera! This officer needs to be arrested & prosecuted & publicly shamed for Helping Himself to Maori Women in Aotearoa - New Zealand. The crown-vatican-rothschilds multi-Government COURTHOUSEs are out of control & their Private Contracted pedophile police are too. The MOJ needs to be sued! Tauranga Courthouse & Police Station need Criminal Investigating & Auditing - off the books kidnappings in Plain Day Light. The other Uniforms were not in Police uniform but looked like security staff or navy staff.
The Courts are Private Bank Administraions crime syndicates! Courts work for Banks & Wall st & London stock exchange they exploit the population for robbing & human trafficking. The Courts & Banks & Police & Parliament are bankrobbers gold diggers & grave robbers. They are Foreign Terrorist Imposters & should be removed from office immediately!
To conclude what we are dealing is Not a system or workforce of Justice but kazarian=neo nazi adrenochrone evil imposters -
Sacha Stone Kazarian Evil vs Tartarian Good:
Russell Brand & Alex Jones expose the opposition Evil vs Good:
A Justice System gone Rogue - Justice Judge Judy's opinion:

this is RangiMarie@MaoriBattalionIntelligence & OfficeOfLadyJustice. I wanted to thank you once again....For the MANA O HAPU! THATS ALL YOU NEED to Shutdown the crown-vatican-rothchilds Human Trafficking & Money Laundering operations.
Now, their
1.Bankrupt in Recession
2. Instructed by a Chief Justice from Croatia Ukraine giving $100million to Zelensky biomass
3. Driving WW3
4. Been caught vax murdering Maori for Foreign invader profits
5. ALL NZ Land Leases Expired & should not be renewed
6. Mass breaching their own national security & intelligence
Calling for Dissolving Parliament. White Collared Crime has escalated 500% breaching 90% of the Crimes act. We need the Tribunal TeKoti 13 Judges. Occupy Getty is a Tunnel system in USA used by Military to Trafficking children for rich class vampires. NZ has tunnels also in Tauranga QE2 Memorial Park for pedophiles to smuggling children & young people by dirty nazi secret security like in this Video above. The ANZ Bank is also involved with Tauranga Courthouse.
Update Aug 2024 - NZ is under seige by rogue white extremists for NATO-WEF-WHO-UN agenda2030 SMART cities plans imvasions under covid19 lockdown. This includes PRACTISING THEIR NWO Global Military made up of scumbags tactical army-security-police-airforce-navy-BioSecurity-gangs to make up their numbers. WE MUST RESPOND WITH MaoriMilitaryBattalion to overthrow these COMMERCIAL Law contracts for commercial bankers & corporations.
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