Drunkard, 17.06.2024 [N] Mariahilferstraße

9 months ago

hospital is better than jail, therefore he layed down on the ground and called for an ambulance, or maybe he really needed one to treat his intoxication. since the cops were legally required to play along, they could not proceed with the arrest. i'm not sure what he was charged with, but on that day there were a lot of drunken soccer fans all over the place, and judging by his voice and clothes he was either one of them, or one of the clochards who live there.

front cam: osmo action 4 with shutter speed 1/200 in part 1 and 1/100 in part 2, iso 100-6400, ev -0.3, auto color, denoise: -2, stabilization: on in part 1 and off in part 2, which was stabilized in post with gyroflow. rear cam: wolfang ga400 with automatic white balance. keywords: actioncam, low light conditions, cycling, dji, drunkard, police, ambulance, betrunkener, polizei, wien, ambulanz. location: mariahilferstraße wien (vienna, austria).

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