astroNaUTs stuck in "space", Ukraine, 19.5 Million toaster size space laser, floating wind turbines

7 months ago

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Janet Yellen, U.S. Treasury Secretary, tried gaslighting about the open border claiming biden is doing what needs to be done to keep America safe and drug free, actually she mumbled a lot but still, I think she was trying to say that 🙄

Taking a look at a few different sites

RT for Astronauts stuck in space because their HELIUM TANKS WERE LEAKING 🎈

RT for United States redirecting air defense orders to Ukraine until they are satisfied which means more money wasted for a Country that's NOT a part of NATO which itself should be SHUT DOWN 💩

Gateway Pundit for the White House getting information about the Supreme Court ruling against green cards for illegal spouses and issuing an executive order days before allowing it 🤡

Gateway Pundit for Nasa will launch a "fake sun" in 2029 that's about the size of a toaster that will shoot lasers back to the ground to be measured claiming it will help measure the distance to REAL stars, it's reported price will be 19.5 million, FOR A LASER SHOOTING TOASTER 🤑

What's up with that? for "floating wind turbines" being built with taxpayer money that should be used for roads, bridges, etc., this video looks at California happening and Maine considering it, SHUT DOWN THIS FANTASY WORLD that will only collapse in on itself wasting BILLIONS if not TRILLIONS of dollars that could actually help people NOW 😡

I need a MILLION dollars and that's not even a "drop in their bucket", "they'd" never miss it, consider it a failed wind turbine, solar farm, I don't care, make something up, just give me the money, I won't waste it like "they" will 🥺

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