Hardware Heavy | Linux Out Loud 91

8 months ago

Linux Out Lod 91 gets heavy in hardware with a sprinkling of some open-source software.

Find the rest of the show notes at https://tuxdigital.com/podcasts/linux-out-loud/lol-91/

00:00:00 Intro
00:05:22 Surface Book 2
00:18:49 Dell PowerEdge R710
00:33:22 On Destination Linux
00:38:37 Added SteamDeck
00:43:27 Feedback from Pybricks
00:55:17 Games, Games, Games
01:02:26 OPNsense on a WatchGuard XTM 5 Series
01:15:57 3D Printing
01:22:29 Outtro

Contact info
Matt (Twitter [@MattTDN](https://twitter.com/MattTDN))
Wendy (Mastodon [@WendyDLN](https://mastodon.online/@WendyDLN))
Nate (Website [CubicleNate.com](https://cubiclenate.com/))

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