MYSTERIES Of The Pacific Northwest

3 months ago

"From the strangest arcade game ever; to an actual, serious UFO case; these are 5 Mysteries of The Pacific Northwest

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5.Dennis Walker’s Collection

We kick things off with the story of Dennis Walker, a quote unquote businessman that set up shop in Medford, Oregon. Walker’s business plan was simple, use other people’s money to buy sports memorabilia.

After he amassed a sizeable collection, Walker opened up a museum in town. From baseball cards, to uniforms and signed, he had it all. It was around this time that the local police force started getting suspicious about Walker’s activities.

After a quick investigation, he was charged with fraud and racketeering, however, much to the surprise of the police, all his investors backed him up, stating that they trusted him 100% with the millions of dollars they gave him.

Throughout the last 30 years, over $120,000 of his prized sports memorabilia collection has been located, buuut no one knows how he died. Investigators have speculated it was a mob hit, or perhaps a disgruntled investor… What do you think happened ? I’m pretty sure the juice was still filming Hertz commercials in 1987, so it probably wasn’t him.

4.Mel’s Hole

Have you ever listened to the radio show Coast To Coast AM ? Its great for those lonely drives at 2am !

On February 21st, 1997, the greatest host to ever live, Art Bell, took a random caller from Washington State. His name was Mel Waters, and he had quite the story to tell.

The caller claimed he lived in a very rural part of Kittitas County, Washington, a county that is remarkably unremarkable, except for… the bottomless pit that had magical healing powers. Waters went into great detail describing the pit, he measured it to be over 80,000 ft deep….

Let's pause for a second, this random hole that no one had heard of was apparently twice as deep as the mariana trench, the deepest part of the ocean. Seems likely right ?

Waters became somewhat of a regular, calling in to the show in 2000 and 2002. Always talking about the hole. By 2002, another man claimed to know where the whole is… he also claimed that the government was protecting the area because of alien activity. He also led an expedition of 30 people to see the hole…. However, it seems like he forgot the exact location since the expedition failed.

Some government shills claim that the hole is geologically impossible, and any hole of that size would collapse in on itself from the pressure… but what do they know ?

3.D.B. Cooper

You really can’t avoid talking about D.B. Cooper when discussing the pacific northwest and mysteries.

On Thanksgiving Eve, 1971, Dan Cooper boarded a busy flight headed from Portland to Seattle, he ordered a bourbon, lit up a cigarette and shortly after take off, solidified his place in American history.

2.The UFO

We don’t have to go back to the 70s for this mystery ! On October 25th, 2017, FAA and NORAD employees were on high alert due to… an unidentified flying object gliding thru the Oregon skies.

As far as we know, the UFO was first spotted on radar near the California - Oregon border. The object disappeared from radar systems as quickly as it had appeared, however, in the next few hours, many pilots flying commercial aircraft over the area called it in.

Initially, the story was reported by and after a while a FOIA request for the FAA transmissions from that day was approved. The incident can be mapped out as the calls come in, and what you heard in the beginning of this segment was just a small snippet.

Pilot eyewitnesses couldn’t confirm the make or model of the aircraft, and the F-15s never spotted it either… as far as the public knows anyway.

What do you think ? Maybe it was a top secret new generation airplane testing its limits ? Sounds plausible.


As far as conspiracy theories and urban legends go… the story of the arcade game Polybius doesn’t seem… far fetched… at all.

Lets travel back to the year 1981, Jessie’s Girl was topping the music charts, Raiders of The Lost Ark was mesmerizing movie goers, and every 13 year old kid was spending way too much time at their local arcade. To be honest, that all sounds awesome.

Anywhoo, back to the arcades. Some arcades in the Portland area received an unheard of new game called Polybius. It immediately became a hit, more so than any other game at the time. Kids were going crazy over it, waiting in hour long lines just to get a chance to beat it."

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