286 | Tony Rathman & Ron Yacovetti | Staticom Spirit Communication

8 months ago

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In the roots of paranormal research, it was affirmed that electronics could and would play a vital role in such extraordinary communication, when white noise was used as audio support to record voices out of thin air, a practice inevitably to be known as EVP: Electronic Voice Phenomena. It would be the introduction of a vacant, barren radio frequency in the AM band, used as a source white noise, that led to the astounding form of spirit communication, known as DRV: Direct Radio Voice. Yet despite its results, a lack of media presence had DRV all but lost.

Today, the work of Ron Yacovetti, Lourdes Gonzalez, Tony Rathman and Cherie Rathman has not only brought back the method of DRV, they have evolved it into what is arguably the closest thing to Thomas Edison’s theoretical “Phone to the Dead”. Their research vetted this already solid process, removing all cynical low hanging fruit by removing the use of a radio for white noise and replacing it with a white noise generator. Additionally, they did two things unprecedented in spirit communication before now; taking all of the audio clean up done in review, hours or more after communication took place and instead, do it live in the moment of contact - AND - slowing down pure white noise in real time. This new offshoot of DRV, now without a radio, would then be termed STATICOM. This methodology, gaining exposure in the field, is considered by most who experience it, to be the future of spirit communication, no longer limited to the brevity of messages that the ghost boxes or phone apps seem limited to produce.

STATICOM is a closed circuit system with no opportunity to be polluted with any ambient voice or sound, with any broadcast voice or sound and with no explanation for clear voices out of pure white noise, completely devoid of data.





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