111- dAdventures

7 months ago

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In this episode, Jay interviews Chris, the founder of DadVenture, a small business that encourages dads to be involved in their children's lives. Chris shares his motivation for starting the business, which stems from his own positive experience with an involved father. He emphasizes the need for more visibility and encouragement for dads in society, particularly in marketing materials and products. Jay and Chris discuss the lack of resources and support for dads, including the difficulty in finding dad-specific information and the epidemic of loneliness among fathers. They both express the importance of creating a supportive community for dads. The conversation highlights the lack of male involvement in parenting and the challenges faced by single mothers. It emphasizes the importance of emotional recognition and regulation for men and suggests the need for an app to support men in developing these skills. The discussion also emphasizes the significance of quality time and engagement with children, even in simple activities like going to the grocery store. The conversation concludes with the importance of being rooted in family, finding grounding in exercise and music, and changing perspective to find joy and happiness in everyday moments.

DadVenture is a small business that encourages dads to be involved in their children's lives.
There is a need for more visibility and encouragement for dads in society.
Dads face a lack of resources and support, particularly in finding dad-specific information.
There is an epidemic of loneliness among fathers.
Creating a supportive community for dads is crucial. There is a lack of male involvement in parenting, even when fathers are present in the household.
Men need support in developing emotional recognition and regulation skills.
Quality time and engagement with children is crucial, even in simple activities like going to the grocery store.
Being rooted in family and finding grounding in exercise and music can help in difficult times.
Changing perspective and finding joy in everyday moments is important for overall happiness.

Quotes of the Year:
"Encourage dads to get more involved, be there, spend time with their kids."
"There's a need and a space for seeing dads involved in more marketing materials."
"Where do we see men advertised as a part of underwear commercials for men, maybe?"
"Well, it's because you don't see it in yourself either. Tough reality there, dude, but..."
"You have to train and learn it. You have to learn like, okay, what are all these emotions? How do I feel these emotions? What do all these emotions look like for me?"
"Being an involved dad is a skill. You know, none of us are born ready for that right away."

00:00 Introduction and Background
03:23 The Need for Dads in Marketing and Products
07:29 The Importance of Dads Being Involved
09:08 The Information Gap for Dads
13:20 The Epidemic of Loneliness for Dads
20:45 Encouraging Dads to Get Involved
23:27 The Lack of Support for Dads
25:45 The Importance of Emotional Recognition and Regulation
29:25 Quality Time and Engagement with Kids
39:42 DadVenture and Encouraging Outdoor Activities
43:37 Where Chris is Rooted
44:01 Family as the True North
45:25 Grounding Techniques
47:35 Offering Advice to Someone in a Dark Place
48:06 Changing Perspective and Finding Joy
50:36 Final Thoughts and Where to Find More

Find more of Chris and become apart of the dAdventure
@the_dadventure - Instagram
@dadventurellc - youtube

Find more of Joon:
Discount code: YNGDAD
Link to direct listeners to: joonapp.io/youngdad

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