"Man's" WAR on Natural Law, Health, Children & Palestinians

8 months ago

Catherine Watters of The Family Industrial Complex podcast on Revolution.Radio Studio B Wed 4-6pm ET AND OneGreatWorkNetwork.com Thurs 7-9pm ET
I cannot help but go on, for 5 decades, about the Crimes of the "family", community who function EXACTLY like the macro Abusers and do the Opposite of how REAL Family is supposed to.
"Home" was a TORTURE chamber in the 70s and 80s and I was Criminalized and gaslit SINCE for being healthy and the Body Naturally kicking in and Defending itself. LIKE IT OR NOT, it's BEEN the "FAMILY", "COMMUNITY" who have been UNFIT, who've been programmed on Some level to work FOR the Corp, Satanic, USrael Gov Against their own expense.
I studied psych, healthy boundaries, healthy relationship skills, how HEALTHY SYSTEMS are Supposed to function and to just Move IN that direction. Just ACKNOWLEDGE missing the goal and move TOWARD alignment. How Hard could that be?
Puh! It was SO OBVIOUS people were ALL functioning Backwards, Denial, minimizing, criminalizing the most vulnerable they were Supposed to protect!
It went On and On, the Cover up and the discrediting the Truth teller.
THIS WAS SERIOUS and NO ONE was taking it Seriously. THAT"S WHY PALESTINIANS Are being Blown off the Earth in Front of the World!
And The World is Enabling it!
I took action to move in the RIGHT, healthy, FIT direction 5 DECADES ago and I was Gaslit for it! So it's NOT the USrael, Amerikan "leaders".
It was ALWAYS THE PEOPLE who did it.

Ben Swann X video of Palestinian Boy speaking that Amerikan Soldiers Killed his brother.

PLEASE support my Joining the FREEDOM FLOTILLA TO GAZA July 10th

More info here

Attorney David Meiswinkle's The Devil's Workshop

Truth Action Project- TAP video with USS Liberty survivor Bryce Lockwood

Emergency Press Conference: The Danger of Nuclear War Is Real, and Must Be Stopped w SCOTT RITTER
Listen at the end to Helga LaRouche speak about Natural Law!

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