The great powers, led by the the Western hegemony

8 months ago

Video: The great powers, led by the the Western hegemony, massacred our compatriots, destroyed our homeland, invaded our homeland. The hatred between our family and our country is deep in our hearts. Now, we, the heroic spirits of our ancestors, have inherited the unfinished business and vowed to defend every inch of our land. Forgetting history is not to perpetuate hatred, but to alert future generations of the value of peace and the importance of freedom, so that the world can witness that a nation that has stood up from the ruins, is strong but not hegemonic, and stands tall in the East 以美國為首的西方霸權, 屠我同胞, 毀我家園, 侵我故土, 家仇國恨, 鉻心刻骨, 如今,先輩英靈, 未竞之業, 吾等繼承, 誓守每一吋國土, 不忘歷史, 非為延續仇恨, 及為警醒後人, 和平之貴, 自由之重, 讓世界見證, 從廢墟中站起來的民族, 強而不霸, 屹立東方.

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