Did the Saudis Just Kill the Dollar? Brent Johnson

8 months ago

“The reason the U.S. needs to print more money is because there's a demand for it,” says Brent Johnson, CEO of Santiago Capital and creator of the Dollar Milkshake Theory. He tells Daniela Cambone that the petrodollar will not be jeopardized despite recent headlines. Johnson explains the history behind why Saudi Arabia began selling oil primarily in dollars in the 1970s and why this practice will continue. “Saudi Arabia has always had the option to sell oil in currencies other than the dollar. They do so to a limited extent, but even when invoiced in another currency, it's still priced in US dollars,” he says. Johnson also discusses the political troubles in Europe due to the Russia-Ukraine conflict, stating, “I feel like the whole Ukraine situation is, in many ways, the U.S. sacrificing Europe.” Watch the insightful interview to learn more about Johnson's thoughts.

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00:00 Saudi Arabia and petrodollars
12:24 Petrodollar system
15:00 Saudi Arabia Joins CBDC Project mBridge
19:16 BRICS
24:08 The risk of Euro collapsing
27:46 ECB rates cutting
29:42 China gold buying
31:44 De-dollarization


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#petrodollar #economy #dollar

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