F😂CKIT FRYDAY! How To BEAT [DS] IRS or CRA Debt Tax Tyranny Right NOW!

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To Book a Free Call with Kevin now kindly do the following:

1) Send an Email to


2) with Subject Line “Corporate Debt Purchase”

3) in Email body please only include:

• Your Name
• Your Corporation Type
• Your Cell # for Kevin to Call
• Whom allegedly claims owed to “IRS” or “CRA”
• Amount in USD or Canada of alleged ‘tax owed’ to them
• Optional: The most recent letter (if available) by CRA or IRS sent to your corporation.

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Resource Links for Divine Lions & Lionesses On the Front Lines
Donate a ♥️Prayer or even $5.00 to Decorated HERO, Norman Traversy at

Reclaim Your Straw Man with Susan (Full Course + Audio) at

To File a Medical Murder Whistleblower Account for Free at

🔷Thank you for all of the support! We invite you to show some love on "THE SOVEREIGN SOUL Show” in the comments then share with friends, peers & family.

— Disclaimer —
Our #GoldcoPartner has 1,000+ 5⭐️Star Reviews! Nothing stated is substitution for medical, financial, parenting, weightlifting, tying your shoes, levitation or bathing advice. These are opinions of completely Sovereign Souls who proudly send out love to our brothers and sisters across the Universe. Those on the side of God and Light, uniting as an Amassing ‘Shall Not Be InFringed’ Majority 🙌 This show is for Entertainment purposes only. God Wins. Oh, and Yes....You watch, listen, and laugh at your own risk. Final note btw…Save The Children.

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