Since That Day: Act 1 (Part 3)

7 months ago

I want to give credit to the voices and the artist in this episode. And Kira Takei for her song that appears in this episode.

Annie Ellicott - Elize (
trinadeuhartalt - Lily (
Vampire Terrorist(s) - teazoid, Jordan T. Bates (
Nightshade Soldier - Arturo
Chain of Command - Chuck Huber (

Forgot to add Corey Michaels Movies in the credits of the video :/ So I'll give credit where credit is due - RADIO TRANSMISSION - PART 2 - @coreymichaelsmovies6110

Art - hecatiartz -

Outro Music - @kiratakei7588 (


The final part of Act 1, as Elize follows a lead to the sewers, which the vampire terrorists are hiding.

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