Is There Another Supreme Court Leaker?

8 months ago

Posted • June 21, 2024: Earlier this week President Joe Biden signed an executive order giving amnesty to 500,000 illegal immigrants married to American citizens. The move was sold as "family unification" by the White House. Press Secretary Karine Jean Pierre had a hard time explaining the thinking behind the move or how Biden came up with the details of the order. KJP is REPEATEDLY pressed on the timing of Biden’s latest immigration EO. “Does the White House feel that President Biden has exhausted everything that he can do on this matter by executive order?" KJP: "We continue to say we're gonna look to see what else we can do…" But after the Supreme Court ruled Friday in Department of State v. Munoz that the U.S. isn't required to admit non-citizen spouses of American citizens, the Federalist's Sean Davis has some questions. From his post on X about the ruling and suspicious timing of Biden's executive order:

Is there a new leaker at the Supreme Court? Just days ago, the Biden regime announced a radical new executive order to legalize the immigrant spouses of citizens, even if those immigrants were in the U.S. to commit crimes or were here legally. It was very strange timing for such an oddly specific EO. Now we know why: the Supreme Court ruled today in a 6-3 decision that the U.S. is not required to admit immigrant spouses of American citizens in a case involving an MS-13 member whose spouse was a U.S. citizen and who demanded legalization. "From this Nation’s beginnings, the admission of noncitizens into this country was characterized as ‘of favor [and] not right," the Court ruled. Somebody at the White House was clearly tipped off about the unannounced Supreme Court decision, which explains why the White House rushed out such a shoddily written and argued new executive order to open the border even more: the Biden regime knew how the Supreme Court was going to rule, and it sought to pre-empt the court with its absurd EO.

So the question now is: who, exactly, is leaking information on rulings to the Biden White House? Is there a new leaker at the Supreme Court? Just days ago, the Biden regime announced a radical new executive order to legalize the immigrant spouses of citizens, even if those immigrants were in the U.S. to commit crimes or were here legally. It was very strange timing for such an oddly specific EO. Now we know why: the Supreme Court ruled today in a 6-3 decision that the U.S. is not required to admit immigrant spouses of American citizens in a case involving an MS-13 member whose spouse was a U.S. citizen and who demanded legalization. “From this Nation’s beginnings, the admission of noncitizens into this country was characterized as ‘of favor [and] not right,” the Court ruled.

Somebody at the White House was clearly tipped off about the unannounced Supreme Court decision, which explains why the White House rushed out such a shoddily written and argued new executive order to open the border even more: the Biden regime knew how the Supreme Court was going to rule, and it sought to pre-empt the court with its absurd EO. So the question now is: who, exactly, is leaking information on rulings to the Biden White House? -- After an internal investigation, the person who leaked the Dobbs decision to the media in May 2022 was never named. (…)

Townhall: Is There Another Supreme Court Leaker?

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