Unveiling the Lost Red Letter Bible

8 months ago

The re-discovery and unveiling of the first Red Letter Bible (1901) by Louis Klopsch and its connections to the Old and New Testaments concerning Jesus Christ. An historical preservation and the facsimile re-printing of the first red print Bible, newly retitled "Rubricated American Heritage Bible".

Louis Klopsch's red letter innovation gave Christians an understanding of the Old Testament from a Christology and Messianic perspective, making the Bible a unified story.

Rubrication connects the Old and New Testaments concerning Jesus as Messiah through prophecies giving deeper meaning to the Old Testament.

00:03 Red Letters in the Old Testament.
01:36 Louis Klopsch's Visionary Bible.
03:16 Tracing Jesus Through the Old Testament.

Get this Bible at www.RAHBRedLetter.com

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