The Present - Isaac Kappy ( must see )

7 months ago

Feminization Rituals

⛔️This is a humiliation ritual. Which man in the right mind dresses like a woman? To get the the next level Celebrities normally (alphas) are feminised and made to wear women’s clothes & make up in front of a massive audience, television or on a stage. Behind the scenes they are made to bend over and take it up the b-hole as a reminder as to who controls their life.

Remember the illuminati literally control the music, film & food industry. Weak minded celebrities are made to participate in rituals to keep their celebrity status, money & fame.

Sometimes Humiliation rituals are used as a short cut to more fame and riches or used as leverage. we have seen plenty other celebrities dress up like women in the same exact way, Kevin heart, will smith just to name a few.

In many cases these celebrities have to do blood sacrifices (with a loved one) or force their off spring to become transgender, Mock creation, go against the grain. Just take a look at jaden smith and his sister.

The Trump / Kennedy / Elvis Rabbit Hole


2.) 107 Is Jr.

They Are All Alive !!!
Tupac Is Still Alive !!!

Tupac Returns Live In Cuba - age 52

Interesting Chris Cornell Interview -

Chris Cornell Anti-War / Anti-Elite Live Rant into song 🎵 Beyond The Wheel 🛞-

3.) Walmart Weighted Goods Settlement -
Attention Patriots
( Currently Said To Be Paying Out At ) $ 500.00 per claim.
Special Information Note From Thomas W. Trefts / Founder Of Veterans Against Treason

• The following information has just come to my attention. Proceed with caution ⛔️. Timing ⏱️ seems perfect. I can be reached at for anything Patriot Oriented.

Quantum Financial System Sign Up - from Q Special Forces on Rumble.

Our next new money system after upcoming financial crash.


2.) The QFS PDF -

Could be legit to proceed. I am registered up to giving pic of drivers license 🪪.

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