Cheryl Grainger Reports Updates On Pfizer and Moderna Document Analysis - UK Column News

8 months ago

Cheryl Grainger Reports Updates On Pfizer and Moderna Document Analysis
Full news and all the source links:
- UK Column series: UK Situation Room: Pfizer/Moderna Document Analysis
- Alan (on X): Alan’s post
“We hear a lot about how the "Covid vaccines saved lives". Loads of lives. Millions and millions. Maybe even billions. Maybe more lives than the entire population of the planet. 
[…] But if we just go with the official numbers, the "vaccines saved millions" narrative makes absolutely no sense.
That's before we start talking about the deaths and injuries the vaccines have caused via adverse reactions.”
- Our World in Data: Cumulative confirmed Covid–19 deaths by world region
- Alan (on X): Total Adverse Reactions Reported to the MHRA Yellow Card Scheme after Astra Zeneca Covid Vaccination 
- World Council for Health: UVC: Dr. Jessica Rose: VAERS: Key Ways to Prove Covid–19 Jab Harm Causation
- Peter McCullough, MD (Rumble): Bradford Hill Criteria for Causation Met: Covid-19 Vaccines Cause Death by Dr. McCullough

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