Mobile Crisis Team harassing me

8 months ago

"Privacy laws" don't justify not letting me contact a so-called "client" who scammed me. Megan Prue owes me a lot of $ an apology.
Crooked cop Andrew Lindberg violates Megan Prue as revenge for running away from Gilead Community "Services" again. The victim doesn't consent to Lindberg and even if she claimed to, she's #autistic and he's a cop. The victim's forcibly drugged at a #grouphome she runs away from, forced to defend predators. She's also not allowed to repay me the fortune I loaned her. I could have died protecting her from cops when they were about to drag her away, hence I know she doesn't consent to Lindberg.
#AutisticLivesMatter #BlueLivesMurder #ACAB #metoo #WhyIDidntReport #metoomovement #ibelieveher #RespectWomen #autism #resistpsychiatry #resistgrouphomes #disability #psychiatryisascam #disabled
The predator Lindberg either forced Megan to get engaged to him or they're faking an engagement.
In either case, the victim is afraid of that asshole who won't let her out of a group home she ran away from 5 times.
She was visibly saddened when I was prevented from visiting her at Bristol Hospital.
Update: I'm aware that the victim scammed me. The restrictions on her account are potentially a factor. If so, she would have known she wouldn't be allowed to repay me while repeatedly requesting loans.
If Meg repays me and apologizes, I won't have to sue her, and I'd rather not; I still want to help her.
An open letter to Megan Prue , a victim at Gilead Community "Services":
You kept requesting loans and you accuse me of "badgering" you to visit me like you hadn't badgered me for loans. You were absent for months. You scammed me for a fortune then disappeared without repaying the loans, and you have the $. You work full time. You claimed to love me no matter what forever n ever, then you scammed me and disappeared. I could have died protecting you from the cops and I'm expected to believe you would consent to a cop? I call bullshit.
You're so severely abused at group homes and by the police, you resorted to scamming me.

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