Chlorine Dioxide Testimonies (CDT) Live Q&A Audio Chat: June 21, 2024 at 5PM CST: Live On Telegram

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Learn about Chlorine Dioxide and other God given resources to detox your temple.

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Bishop Mark Grenon can now except help to eat real foods through our giving through Venmo:

Bishop Mark Grenon was so thankful he was able to buy some healthy food today for $20.00. He shared the picture above and he was so grateful. He talked much about real foods in his book Imagine a World Without Dis-ease. My gift is only for 2 and a half days, but I know God will fulfill this need through others.

With Mark being kidnapped and in prison for almost 4 years and not having what he needed to thrive this took his health down. He just had major surgery and is on a healing journey himself. He was opened up like a lobster, but he is now on his way to full recovery. 🙏

Here is an opportunity as I see it. Together we can help Mark to restore his health by providing his next healthy meal. Once he is in a better environment he can do it himself without help and even better for less.

For now he can receive money through Venmo without providing too much information to unfriendly forces.

Here is his Venmo @BishopMark777

If you don’t have Venmo and you have cash app or Zelle message me @YouTubeTerminated for the information to give to Mark Grenon.

This is the real Mark Grenon Venmo account to give: ⬇️

This is the last 4 digits of Mark Grenon’s phone number to complete the gift of healing with food. ⬇️


Together We Win! 🏆

Question or concerns message me @YouTubeTerminated on Telegram

Join the CDT Free Live Audio Chat Support Group on Telegram on Fridays if you want to learn more about the Grenon Family or if you just need a winning support group so you can heal as well. Healing is repeatable and possibly.

Remember sharing is caring so maybe someone you know is in good position to give.

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