WATCH: Elon Musk Announces ‘Two Homicidal Maniacs’ Tried To Kill Him...

4 months ago

We live in a crazy world and one person who has absolutely made his way to the top of an enemies list for the left is Elon Musk.

Despite being one of the greatest minds in human history, an individual who has transformed the automobile industry, has built the most powerful rocket in the world (that will also be fully reusable), builds tunnels under cities to lower traffic, integrating advanced chips into the brain to help people who can't see or walk, etc., he is hated by the left.

The reason is that he cannot be bought, he will say what he wants to say, and of course, he bought Twitter, the echo chamber for the left to silence conservatives, and turned it into a free speech platform.

Now I'm not saying the attackers mentioned in this video are liberals because I haven't personally seen anything that shows that, at least for now, but I am pointing out a common theme of who wants Elon to be silenced.

** Make sure to follow me for daily videos exposing the left! **

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