9 months ago

WE ARE INFILTRATED AND SUBVERTED FROM WITHIN...John Carpenter’s ‘They Live’ Was Supposed to Be a Warning. We Didn’t Heed It. We Didn’t Even Understand It.They influence our decisions without us knowing it. They numb our senses without us feeling it. They control our lives without us realizing it. They Live. A rugged loner (Roddy Piper) stumbles upon a terrifying discovery: ghoulish creatures are masquerading as humans while they lull the public into submission through subliminal advertising messages. Only specially made sunglasses make the deadly truth visible. REPTILIAN HYBRID MULTI-DIMENSIONAL SPECIES LIVE AMONGST US....DO YOU SEE THEM NOW? HERE IS A CLUE--FAUCI IS ONE OF THEM. SO IS BRANDON. THEY ARE ATTEMPTING TO RULE THE WORLD. DO NOT CONSENT.

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