First Ever Recorded Use of a 3000 Kg Guided Bomb "FAB-3000"

7 months ago

June 20, 2024.

Today in the village Liptsy, Kharkov region, a benefit performance of FAB-3000 M-54 with UMPC took place.
A 3-storey building used by the Ukrainian Armed Forces as a PVD was chosen as the first combat target. (Temporary Deployment Point)

A direct hit into the house, as most ordinary people and infantry commanders would have liked, did not work out, but you need to understand that:
- firstly, this is the first combat use in the history of mankind of a bomb of this caliber with a UMPC.
- the deflection of the bomb is purely on course, ten meters.
This is an excellent result even for a guided munition, since the reference radius of continuous damage for the FAB-3000 is 230 meters, and fragments retain their destructive power at a range of 1240 meters.
Well, here, of course, there is one bomb, but you can throw, for example, 10 of them.

Therefore, I think that everyone involved in creating, essentially from scratch, a new UMPC that has no analogues in terms of power in just a couple of months should certainly be encouraged.

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