State Department Official Confirms 'Great Replacement Theory'!"

8 months ago

This just in—undercover footage has shaken the State Department to its core. What was once deemed a wild theory is now undeniable truth. State Department official, Fitzgerald, has been caught on camera admitting to the reality behind the so-called 'Great Replacement Theory.' Previously labeled a white supremacist, xenophobic myth, this theory posits that white populations are being intentionally replaced by immigrants and other minority groups. Fitzgerald's confession is chilling. He reveals that he initially downplayed illegal immigration, but startling data changed his perspective. "In my mind, I thought it wasn't a big deal," he says, "until I saw the numbers—it's staggering compared to twenty years ago."

The video has sent shockwaves through political circles. Fitzgerald and his colleagues admit they're overwhelmed by the surge in illegal border crossings—and they have no clear solutions. But it doesn't stop there. The footage suggests that the changing demographics are part of a deliberate strategy to influence elections. It’s no wonder Democrats are backing the immigration bill. Texas is next, and then the rest of the U.S. Stay tuned as we uncover more about this developing story.

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