Ep. 8 - Jessica Jones, Chimera Universe, June 4, 2024

5 months ago

In this interview with remote viewer and cryptid field researcher Jessica Jones, "that sweet Georgia peach!" we find a woman whose extraordinary courage takes her far afield in the search for cryptids, chimeras, and other unusual phenomena.

The question: Are all life-forms chimeras, genetic/frequency patchwork dolls created by advanced races who themselves are genetic patchwork dolls? Or, if we go far enough back in time, can we find pure life-forms, life-forms that came into existence spontaneously, of themselves?

In this interview, Jessica tells an astounding tale about watching green orbs create an image of her brother right in front of her eyes. Are all things created, or so some things exist before conscious creation?

Join Jessica Jones and Jock Doubleday for a discussion of the nature of life-form creation in the universe.

Cryptic field researcher Jessica Jones' links:

Official web site



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"Transition to New Terra" Podcast on Youtube

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