My Gateway Church Experiences ~ Wolves Among Us ~ Part 2

3 months ago

In spiritual terms *Thou shall not hurt, rape or abuse a child" in anyone's name, especially Jesus's name.

On the earthly realm terms it means FAFO what God will do if you harm, rape a child and then reharm them with lies about them as an adult. Sadly, even church goers have discredited her claims.

This was not JUST a "moral failing." This was a criminal offense in regards to grooming and ongoing pedophilia of a 12 year old girl. Yes. Everyone falls short...BUT this was a perpetual lie of great deception throughout the DECADES to everyone around him.

If the F word above upsets you and you think it's profane... How can you not be upset by a grown married Pastor man with his own child, literally F'ing around with a 12 year old child for 4 1/2 years, lying to everyone and re victimizing her when she speaks out? NOW that is PROFANE!

You religious people are very messy on what you believe is Godly and what you believe to be profane!

God's about to show y'all what FAFO means when you mess with God's babies, children and have no remorse. Many of my abusers are DEAD. God gave Justice in its time. They went to the dark realm with no remorse and never repented. Bet they have remorse now.

It is wise to understand that God ain't playing anymore and nobody should be idolized, especially lying sexually immoral pastors around the world.

Tick-Tock God's Clock ⏰
Alarm has rang and now it is
The "Find out" time for many leaders in"God's supposed churches."

I would repent if I were you Mr. Moris. That really is your last warning! ⚠️ No matter who tries to protect your lies and your distortions throughout the decades, God has their names too. GOD WILL have the last say. It's really that simple. Nobody has to do anything but wait on God to rectify these things if you don't. I can be assured that God WILL. I'm very disappointed and sad that you have deceived so many people. The best tho...You can never fool God! Nor will you be allowed to mock God much's a terrible thing to be on the receiving end of God's judgement. Ponder these things deeply and quickly. I pray that you rectify these things soon! That's up to you and you alone.

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