Episode 150: Headmaster's Homeroom w/Guest: Artist; Derusha

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Ultra Artist. "I’m delighted to be invited again to Lady Hamilton’s Headmaster’s Homeroom to share with you my photography I made over the years and some fun stories.

I’ve been blessed to be an artist my whole life, I grew up with artists and I cannot remember a time when I did not make art. I studied at art school, worked in a variety of mediums, exhibited in art galleries, and have made commissions.

While I photographed roads across America through all forms of weather on all types of roads, my challenge was to draw attention to an area by documenting something unique about the road that lead me to that place. I noticed the roads traveled, weathered, painted or repaired, can be like one long scroll of abstract design that might include secret messages that hardly anyone notices except for road construction. It many ways it felt like I was on a treasure hunt.

Recently I have focused on photographing ice within a small heavy walled marina that endures extremely cold temperatures. While looking down at the ice, as I walk up and down the finger piers, I think of how God taught me there is so much poetry embedded in the ever-changing shapes and patterns endured by my small town in Michigan."

You can see more of my work on Truth Social under Ultra Artist @ derusha or www.derushaart.com


Lady Hamilton

Hamilton Liberty Academy
CrossCurrent Digital

Special Thank You:
Producer: JJRsvl Liberty Truth: @jjrsvl
Moderator: Tristater72 Truth: @Freewolf27

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