Misled to the New Utopia Part 2

8 months ago

Miss Led to the New Utopia “Part 2”
In the Dead Sea Scrolls’ War Psalms there is a references to 25% of the human population of the planet, in the days before the return of the son of man, who are given over to the beast system. What they believe in is “The New Utopia”, which will lead to the enslavement of mankind by fallen angels. This is being sold to the living and the dead as a future. Those working in the beast system who believe they are working toward a new utopia, will actually acquire an ancient dystopia. They even believe that if they die working towards this new utopia before it comes to pass, that they will be resurrected in new bodies to enjoy, the fruits of their efforts when the fallen angels return to power.
This propaganda by fallen angels is obviously the direct opposite hermetic of God re- establishing of Christs’ followers into the Garden after His return.
The spirit, I spoke with believes that they are speaking with the Holy Spirit in these sessions that they socialize in. The entity that is misleading spirits who are in turn misleading the living, is emulating the Holy Spirit by tapping into the earths energy.

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