8 months ago

The Lord Is My Shepherd
My children,

Was it not prophesied your countries would be invaded by foreigners? Did I not say if your country rejected me, I would hand it over to invaders and they would overrun your streets, cities? This is now taking place.

Soon the Civil War in the USA will commence. This has all been orchestrated by the enemy, but, it is I who have lifted my hand from the USA. It is my judgment.

It is up to you to stand strong. There will be chaos all around you. This is a setup to destroy your country. I hear why? It is Babylon, with all its gluttonous sin. I only have a remnant who truly follows and walks with me. You will be afforded much protection as you serve me during this time. It will feel like the end. But, it is not yet. There are still many things which must take place. I am warning my children to be very aware of their surroundings as they go to-and-fro. Many places will be unsafe for anyone to go to. Even the police were refuse to patrol those areas in America. Drug lords and gangs from other countries will take over large cities. The invaders are coming to be the new police, military and tools for the enemy to subdue any malicious or local resistance to their takeover.
I am with those who are mine. The wicked ones have been warned many times, they are under judgment.

My children, I have relocated you to places of safety. If you have been led by the spirit and ignored my direction it is time to listen child. Come to our secret place and renew your heart, your spirit. I will give you the places of safety. Time is short.

My faithful ones – your time left is very short. You accepted your refining, wilderness, crushing experience when I asked you to. You will not be there for everything. You will be taken by me. The ones who refused this will be threshed and beaten, a harder refinement. They will also be the ones to teach repentance when they realized they were left behind. This will be the most fearful, darkest times of their lives. They will know they are on their own for a time. If they stand for me until the end, they will join my faithful ones. I say this to you, my hard hearted ones. Do not give up!! This was your choice. I cannot force you because of free will.
If you are curious as to why or think I am cruel, think again. My relationship with my people is documented throughout my Word. You see great blessings and great punishments for evil. You see great-great mercy for any who returned back to me.
My word is true. Read it, learn it, understand it. If you have trouble, pray for insight, revelation and understanding. My spirit is there to teach you these things.

I have many Kingdom promises for those who are mine, for those who belong to me. Many have not gotten to know me or even begun to understand the rewards and blessings I bestow upon those who are truly mine.

This country, USA, has been given more freedom, bounty and security than any other country. The people served me, loved me. The enemy has removed me from all aspects of daily life. (because of the passiveness of HIS people). This is why those who truly love me have shifted from church to church and then on their own. Many of the churches, church leaders are also living sinful lives outside their “jobs” as a preacher, pastor or priest. I will continue to expose them.

Be wise my love’s, my dove’s for these days are truly very evil. The enemy rejoices even when he causes a tiny slip of sin. These little jabs are to discourage you, to make you feel why bother anymore. It is taking too long, this is not true, HE is not coming. I say, finish the race. Finish strong. You are at the end of it. Be wise as serpent’s, harmless as Doves.

I am a holy God and you my love’s stand on holy ground. Take off your shoes, Stand before me and worship me in Spirit and in Truth. For I am worthy of your adoration. I am the great I AM. The Lamb of

God returning as a Lion.
America and Israel parallel –
Watch them both.

Peace peace peace my children, Rest in me

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