ReAwaken America Tour DTW -D1- Jen Jacobson - Beloved Cheesecakes -Captions

8 months ago

Jen Jacobson, the owner of Beloved Cheesecakes, shared her inspiring story at the ReAwaken America tour in Oregon. She talked about her journey from being a single mom in a difficult situation to becoming a successful business owner. Despite facing backlash and hate for keeping her business open during the lockdown, she remained resilient and fought for her constitutional rights. She encouraged others to stand up for their beliefs and support small businesses like hers. She also shared about the growth and success of her business, and urged the audience to keep fighting for their beliefs and to support her business, Beloved Cheesecakes.

ReAwaken America Tour Detroit, MI - DAY 1 | Join General Flynn, Eric Trump, Kash Patel, Mayor Giuliani & Team America + Request Tickets for October 18-19, 2024 Selma, NC At:

✝️ To view the complete (long, uncut) original videos:

👉 DTW - Day 1 - June 7, 2024 -
👉 DTW - Day 2 - June 8, 2024 -


Okay, great. Now, how many of you are from or Oregon. Anybody here from Oregon? Oregon? Oh yeah. Okay. Oregonians? Is that where you are? Oregonians? Okay. Uh so we took the ReAwaken America tour into Oregon and when we went to Oregon, we found out there's a company called Beloved Cheesecakes Plural. Devin pulled it up real quick. Beloved Cheesecakes Plural and this at the time was a single mom. She's married now was a single mom who decided to not shut down her business because she needed to feed her family. Controversial idea. If your business isn't open, It'll be closed. So, she kept her business open. Well, then she became sort of a national news headline because the media loves to find somebody who's doing the right thing and attack em. That's what they like to do and so I heard about her story and I invited her to come on stage and share her story and she's never shut her business down and she's growing exponentially and I wanted you to hear her story. So, with any further ado, I believe she's back there. Please stand to your feet and greet Jen Jacobson of Beloved Cheesecakes. com

Thank you, Clay. Thank you, everyone. Um yes, I am Jen Jacobson Bruce now. I am married. I I'm from the Armpit of Hell, Oregon. I didn't see, I think I saw a few hands that were from Oregon. Uh just out of curious curiosity, how many of you have had my cheesecake? Can you please raise your hands? Whoo. There's more of you that have had my cheesecake than from Oregon. So, that's awesome and you you are all blessed today because we have cheesecake for sale out in the lobby there to the right. So, you'll be able to see me, my husband, and my son, my youngest son, Jayden. Um I just thought I would come in and tell you we are also known for America's Favorite Cheesecake and I thought I would tell you why we are known for America's Favorite Cheesecake. I never had any plans of running my own business at all. I actually went to school for social work. Um I came out of a domestic violent marriage actually last June or not last June, June 10 years ago, 2014 and I was a stay-at-home mom prior to that. I started working right away waitressing and working at a winery and then from there, a year later, I was on this food share program and I got a flat of blackberries and I started thought what am I going to do with this and I made my very first cheesecake. I gave it as a gift to my kid's school to their the staff just to thank them and Next thing I know I had people asking me to purchase cheesecake from me and I didn't feel right about that because I love to give and I don't feel right taking money from my friends but it became a side hustle. I ended up in school school of social work. That's what I thought I was going to do and I graduated in two thousand eighteen. Um kind of embarrassed to say that I graduated from Portland State. I was there when Trump was elected It was very interesting time. I was I could care less about politics. Um just to give you a little background history. I I'm here. I shouldn't even be here in front of you guys. Um I came my dad was a meth addict. I came from I lived in a meth lab environment and I was an only child. No mom, no siblings. So for me to even be standing here is huge. Um so I'm a fighter. I'm an overcomer. And anyways Thank you. He died. My dad died when I was 14. He was 39and so never in my wildest dreams that I ever get to think that I would be doing something like this but where was I at with the social work? Oh with Trump. Um I my ex-husband has kind of a personality of Trump a little bit. I don't know if I should have said that on air but I just did and so I really I I could care less about politics wasn't involved, didn't vote in 2016 and I saw, you know, I'm an grown adult going to college with all these young kids and I saw people crumbling to the floor and we were having a class that you processed because Trump was elected and I didn't understand what was going on because I I'm a believer in Jesus Christ and I believe every person has worth and value regardless. You can hate the behavior but not the person and so that's how I separated with Trump is like well I didn't like his behavior but I did never do any research I only listen to mainstream media and what people around me were telling me and so I just didn't like his behavior but I knew he was of worth and value. Now fast forward you know I start my business. I've went to school for social work. I never had any plans of having my own business. I had so many people say Jen you need to start a cheesecake shop. Never ever. My ex-husband was self-employed. I know how much self-employed how you're married to it and so anyways, god had different plans and a Kickstarter was started for me in my little town that I lived in at the time and I, the whole community community rallied around us. We got Beloved Cheesecake's up and going. It was fully funded. It was remarkable and I opened eight months August 2019, eight months before the lockdown. Everything was going well. We're under Trump administration at that time and the economy was just booming. It was kind of bright when I walk over there. Um and then the lockdown happened. So now you guys know that I came from a meth lab environment. I dumpstered dove. My house was rat infested. I'm not afraid of germs. So when the whole COVID thing happened I was like are you serious? You guys are all going to stop living for this thing. I mean I I want when you lose someone early on in life you learn the value of life and you know that each day is a gift and you're not guaranteed your next breath so I I just didn't understand stopping the world for this and I would rather die living than die you know yeah So I was never afraid. Ever afraid. And then I even watched pandemic before it got censored. I was one of those few that probably gotta watch it before it got censored. And I was just like yes you know and I chose to stay open in my town because like I said my dad was thank you. Um my dad's not my life anymore. He's dead. My mom's not my life and it's just me and my boys. So I am essential to my children. And I chose to stay open. So I was beloved in my little community than I went to being Completely hated. Um but God is so good. So so so good. And it's really interesting that Doctor Judy put Ron McCoy up there because in September 2020 I was done. I told God I am done. I this is your business. You started this. I cannot do this and I was in complete defeat, despair for a crazy God story that I won't go into. Um next in my defeat and despair, the next week, Kirk Cameron and Pastor Rob McCoy were in my shop doing interview with me and they were doing an event called Nonessential and they highlighted my story in October of 2020 and then Pastor Rob, I think it was two or three weeks after that, him or his church, they wanted to meet myself and my boys. They flew us down to God's Speak Calvary Chapel and I got to share our story there and their whole church and their congregation kept my family afloat that whole winter of 20 and we shipped cheesecakes to California like crazy. It was really amazing. Um but it was Pastor Rob who told me that I need to get involved locally at your local level and I was like local level. I don't even know what that is. What do you mean local level? And he was like your city council, your mayor and I was like I don't even know the job of a mayor. I don't even know city council. I I what is all this? And so I went nose dive down into learning. I took constitutional classes so I can educate myself and I really started really researching. I started researching Trump and President Trump I guess I should be more respectful but what he did for our country and I remember hearing it was during the 2020 election. I remember hearing a gentleman from the south and it was a black gentleman and he said, he was being interviewed by someone and he says, in 2016, I voted personality over policy. In 2020, I'm voting policy over personality and I was so convicting to me and so that is what I did. I voted and I can remember my my kids, they're all like, mom, you're pro Trump and I was like, I can't say I'm pro Trump but I can say that. I'm I I'm going to vote for him. You know, I don't know if I'm pro. Again, just you got that's what happens to that's what's happened to our society and you got the I don't know, brainwashing or the society what society tells you and not digging and doing your own research. That's what I try to tell people is dig and do your own research. Find out for yourself. Don't trust other people. Look it up for yourself and so anyways, long story short, I I don't know if it's long story short. I'm kind of all over the place. So, please forgive me but how I even got here on this stage is overcoming as well and I was at April 2022's ReAwaken Tour in Oregon. To be honest, I didn't know who Clay Clark was. I didn't know who General Flynn was. Um I knew who Doctor Judy was. That's a fact and I had watched her and I was so excited that she was going to be at this event but I knew it's a patriotic event for people who love America and I get to sell cheesecake and make money. So, that's all I care. It was awesome. So, I was getting a lot of hate. I I can tell you I'll receive a lot of hate from all this but that's okay. That's I'm fighting for them to have their belief, their opinion, their freedom of speech. I've had people write me Emails saying, may cancer find you, your worthless un American human being. I don't care. It's that's what we're fighting for. We are fighting to keep that freedom of speech. We're fighting for their opinions, their beliefs. Whatever. Just don't shove it down on me. I'm not going to shove it down you. I love Jesus. I'm going to show you how much I love Jesus but I'm not going to shove him down your throat although think you should know Jesus but anyways, where was I at? Uh I lost my train of thought. Um yeah, thanks. Uh where was I at? Now, I'm going to beat myself up over this when I get off. Uh Oh, they reawakened her. Thank you so much. So, I was thank you. Thank you. I was getting a lot of feedback or other businesses saying, boycott Beloved Cheesecake. She's an insurrectionist. She's a white supremacist and I see people out in the lobby area taking pictures with this gentleman and I was like, who is that? And he's someone important. I'll get a picture with him and then be like, now really boycott Beloved Cheesecakes and that's what I did. I I went up to the gentleman and it was Clay Clark and I went up to him and I was like, can I get a picture with you? I'm getting a lot of hate. I was the only business in my town that didn't close and he's like, sure. So, we take a picture. I wish I had it here. If I was smart, I would have had all the little pictures that Doctor Judy did. Um that'll be next time and so anyways, with Clay, I took the we took the picture and he's like, here, follow me and takes me back into the green room and he says, I want this lady to serve Eric Trump Cheesecake at four. What are you kidding me? I mean, oh my gosh. We didn't even have a whole cheesecake. We had to go back to our shop to go get the cheesecake. So, we I sent my son back to go get the cheesecake. Takes him two and a half hours to get back. It's only 20 minutes away. That's how much the traffic was. I mean, Oregon needs something like this again and anyways, another long story short, right after my son gets back with a cheesecake, they said, I got a phone call. Hey, it's Doctor Judy's birthday today. Do you have a cheesecake for? Doctor Now, I know Dr. Judy. I was like, oh my gosh, I only have one cheesecake. So, I was like, alright. So, I go and I'm not thinking I'm going to be on stage. I'm thinking I'm just going to go give them her cheesecake and that's it. No, Clay has me come up on stage and present it to her. It was wild, you guys, wild and so, I guess I'm just trying to encourage people to be an overcomer and don't succumb to so social approval and social affirmation. Just be who you are. Be you know I had someone in my shop the other day and she's like you're talking so loud about being conservative. I said I'm not ashamed. I'm not ashamed of Jesus. I'm not ashamed of America. I'm not ashamed to say I am pro Trump. I'm I am not ashamed. And we all need to not be ashamed and not be bullied by these left progressive People who need Jesus because we have to fight the bully. It's time. We are so kind. We just look at just what happened with President Trump. Look at what happened. We didn't go out and burn cities. We didn't go out and destroy businesses. We gave financially but I'm telling you, we've gotta become loud. We've gotta be be bold. We have to fight fire with fire. I know this and I know this because of what I've walked through and So, I'm just encouraging all to fight and and buy one of Cheesecake. Please keep Beloved Cheesecakes growing. We I want to be a kingdom business and that we're giving back and I donate cheesecakes all over the place to fundraisers. Our cheesecakes has gone in the beginning. It was $250, then it went for $600. They went to $8 50 and last year, it was 906 and 1000 then I just couple weeks ago went for $2000 at an auction. So, I I we gotta keep Beloved Cheesecakes up and going. I'm just going to tell you of little things. So, I'm I'm all over the place. I'm sorry. You have a card on your seat. We have half off shipping. We ship all over the nation. Is there anybody in here from Vermont? Is there anybody from Vermont? Cuz we have a restaurant in Vermont that carries us so that's pretty awesome. We have a restaurant in Las Vegas, three in Lake Tahoe, Seattle, Hilton Hotel just signed on with us maybe not if they see this but we'll see and so and General Flynn has endorsed us it's really awesome and then we also have my son worked really hard he's 19 and he's been running the business with me like crazy a cheesecake club you know how there's the wine club or the gun club is there a gun club I'm sure there is but I know my son did the club or whatever. Anyways, so we have a Cheesecake membership where you can get a Cheesecake shipped to you one every month or one every quarter or holidays. We even have dairy free. We have keto, gluten free. Um so, please help keep our business going because small businesses are if if I didn't fight for my constitutional right, if I did not, if I complied, I would not be here. If I complied beloved Cheesecakes would have been zilch zero gone. I would have been closed like the rest. So, I'm going to keep fighting this fight. I hope you guys all keep fighting this fight and let's get President Trump in the White House in November. Yes, so thank you. God bless you all.

Alright, let's hear it for Jen Jacobson of Beloved Cheesecakes. com or done at Beloved Cheesecakes Plural. Com.

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