Does God Help Us & Protect Us?

8 months ago

Lynne says - "Yes!" both as a child and today - in spite of her horrific childhood. In Lynne's first solo podcast, she shares more about body memories and Jesus telling her, "I was tortured, too." Learn ways God healed and continues to heal her - and He can heal you, also! Start thinking how you can help humanity.

The wearable Med-Bed is here! Regenerate your cells back to when you were 20 years old using LifeWave cell regeneration products at

Learn how Lynne healed, what you can do to help fight trafficking, and the plans of God to help those who are in physical, emotional, and/or mental pain, including from abuse or trafficking at

Visit Lynne’s Human Resource Consulting and Career Coach services at

Follow Lynne on X at Lynne Scott Haggerman at

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