Robert Salas, Fmr. Captain, USAF, UFOs deactivate Nukes, What happens when two civilizations Meet?

2 months ago

In this full episode we talk with Robert Salas, former Captain, USAF.

Robert talks about the UFOs shutting down our nukes during the cold war and how this event he was a part of and witness to was not an isolated incident. Robert goes into detail about what the UFO looked like that hovered over Malmstrom AFB, what maneuverability the UFO exhibited, and the reaction of his crew and higher-ups when the UFO shut down ten (10) independently wired ICBMs - Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles. - The Minuteman I.

Robert has been speaking Internationally for decades advocating for UAP (commonly referred to as UFO) Disclosure and also poses the question of what it will be like when two different civilizations meet for the first time. He even makes mention of the Vatican and the Pope. You will not want to miss what he says about that!

Even if you have heard about this event previously, you might find some things revealed here that you are not aware of!

Robert Salas' Website:
Robert Salas' YouTube:

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