⚠️⚠️⚠️ The truth about the Spanish Flu and its manipulation.

7 months ago

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"She's Baaaack"
New Ben Garrison cartoon Here comes Hillary Clinton!
Hillary Clinton made an appearance at the Tony Awards, looking like an old car that just got a new paint job. Her hair was done in a more flattering style than the usual severe straight bangs. Hillary looked like she had lost weight and wore a dress that wasn’t her usual ‘shower curtain’ style. This immediately started tongues wagging about whether Hillary is being considered as a possible replacement for the Depends wearer in Chief, Joe Biden.....
much more at https://grrrgraphics.com/hillary-clinton-cleans-up-for-2024/
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PS. I have decided to not monetize my channel because I'm just the messenger and I don't feel right about making money off of others hard work...
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I am ---> "Conspiracy theorist: Someone who questions the statements of known liars."
TIME OF DECEIT (Full Documentary)
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