7 months ago

The Lord Is My Shepherd
You have been marked. X marks the spot. The heart of your nation, bounty, Bible, your God at one time. You have been warned America. You were given another 7 years to repent, yet I find more debauchery.

You say, I am a good person, I cause no harm, I go with the flow. I say not one of you is good. Your works are as filthy rags.

X marks the spot. This is where my judgment starts. For walking away from your children, for standing on the sidelines, for not addressing evil. You say, what they do is their business. I say not so. What they do is defiling the land. The Earth cries out for the spilt blood on her. For the murder’s, the trafficking, the abuse. For the drugs, pornography, fornication and homosexuality. For shacking up. For abusing my word and definition of marriage. I declare you guilty of all of this and more.

My prophets and messengers have warned continuously on my behalf. I have called, pleaded and invited you to come no matter what, yet few do come. Many say I prayed “the sinner’s prayer”. I am saved. I say lies, lies and more lies. Have you read my word since? Have you cried over your lives and asked forgiveness. Have you accepted the sacrifice of my Son? Have you been baptized?

As my true followers already know, this is all rhetorical.

What has happened in Israel will come to America in multiple cities and on multiple fronts. You have let your guard down for way too long. You will pay for your slothful lives. Your lack of preparation will be evident in a moment’s notice. Those who do not survive will immediately be in eternity to give an account for their lives and be cast away into utter darkness. Where there will be weeping and wailing, never-ending. An emptiness you thought you felt here multiplied by a billion plus. (WFA note- HE used this reference about heaven in the previous message).

1. Message continued: So again, you can choose to believe me, my messages or not. My messengers are mere vessels for me. Or you can find out what happens when you stand before me at my judgment seat.

I cannot force you to choose. I cannot force you to change. What I can do is give you a new life. Renew your heart and mind. Let go of your debauchery. You have been lied to. One day you will come home to meet me. What you choose today, registers your eternity. (WFA note-HE forgives your past when you repent. This doesn’t mean HE fixes your past. The consequences and scars will remain).

Message continued: Won’t you come? I promise to be kind, to love you for all eternity, I do not lie. My yoke is easy, my burden is light. Drop the Burdens you drag behind you and choose me.

Every man woman and child has an expiration date on this Earth. I do not share this because if I did, it would be your nature to live like the devil and expect me to take you at your last moment’s. I want you to come at your own free will.

I love you. I love all that you love. Let us begin our beautiful journey together.

My children – my true followers. I cannot leave it there. This special message is for you:

I know many are weary and some are anxious. I say I am with you. There is nothing to fear and no reason to be anxious. I will provide all your needs according to my riches and glory. I will hide you under this shelter my wings. These judgments, do not belong to you. This will be a time of miracles, at time you have only read about or wondered if the stories you have heard are true. Yes they are and you are about to experience me, beyond your wildest dreams. (I feel his joy and HIS anticipation). Be blessed my children, walk in peace, for I am the Prince of peace.

My warnings are for you to be aware of your surroundings. Everywhere you go, pray, ask me. Cover yourselves in prayer daily. Bless the food, water and air you breathe. I honor my faithful ones.


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