Judge Maldonado Stumbles on Assault Weapon Question by Senator Kennedy

8 months ago

In a recent Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) rigorously questioned President Biden’s nominee for the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals, Judge Nancy Maldonado, on her support for an assault weapons ban. The hearing revealed a significant gap in Maldonado’s understanding of the term “assault weapon.” Despite signing a brief defending Illinois' assault weapons ban, Maldonado admitted she was not a gun expert and could not define what constitutes an assault weapon. This exchange raised concerns about her qualifications and knowledge, especially given her endorsement of policies she couldn't adequately explain.

Maldonado had signed a brief for the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence, stating that assault weapons are extraordinarily dangerous and not suitable for self-defense. However, when pressed by Kennedy, she struggled to recall the exact definition of assault weapons from the ordinance, highlighting her disconnection from the specifics of the legislation she supported. Kennedy’s pointed questioning emphasized the contradiction in advocating for a ban on something she didn't fully understand, questioning her fitness for a lifetime appointment to the federal appeals court.

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