To Mock or not to Mock? That is the Question...

8 months ago

In this world of wit and banter,
A dilemma doth arise,
To mock or not to mock, that is the question,
That puzzles the wise.

To mock or not to mock, that is the question!
A choice that weighs upon the soul,
To jest or to refrain, to poke or abstain,
A path we must extol.

Shall we unleash our sarcastic tongues,
And revel in the art of jest?
Or shall we take the higher road,
And let our minds be blessed?

To mock or not to mock, that is the question!
A choice that weighs upon the soul,
To jest or to refrain, to poke or abstain,
A path we must extol.

But hark, my friends, let's not forget,
That mockery can be a double-edged sword,
For while it brings a laugh or two,
It might also leave a scar, abhorred.

So let us walk the middle ground,
With wit and wisdom in our stride,
To mock with grace and kind embrace,
And let our humour be our guide.

To mock or not to mock, that is the question!
A choice that weighs upon the soul,
To jest or to refrain, to poke or abstain,
A path we must extol.

In the end, my friends, we'll find,
That laughter is the key,
To mock or not to mock, that is the question,
But let it be with glee!

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