Putin and Kim Jong-Un Sign a Mutual Defence Pact

8 months ago

06/19/2024 Reuters: Russian President Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un signed a mutual defense pact on Wednesday, promising to help each other if attacked. Kim spoke at a rare press conference announcing the signing of a comprehensive strategic partnership, the two countries' relations have been elevated to the new higher level. The US and its Asian allies expressed concern about the two countries’ growing military ties.
#PutinVisits #KimJongUn #StrategicPartnership #mutualdefensepact
06/19/2024 路透社:俄罗斯总统普京和朝鲜领导人金正恩本周三(6月19日)签署了一项“共同防御协议”,承诺如果一方受到攻击,另一方需提供援助。在一场罕见的新闻发布会上,金正恩宣布俄朝签署《全面战略伙伴条约》,两国关系提升至新的更高水平。美国及其亚洲盟友对俄朝日益密切的军事关系感到不安。
#普京出访 #金正恩 #战略伙伴关系 #共同防御协议

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