Taekwondo Demonstration

7 months ago

PERFECT TAEKWONDO ACADEMY!!!! situated in Ludhiana, stands out as a premier martial arts training academy. Distinguished by highly skilled and experienced instructors, the academy prioritises state-of-the-art training products. Beyond imparting effective combat techniques, their training program places a strong emphasis on the holistic well-being, fitness, and personal development of practitioners. The academy conducts periodic testing and grading sessions to propel practitioners to higher levels of recognised achievement, including attaining black belts, progressing beyond black belts, and engaging in master's training. With specialised programs catering to both adults and children with unique needs, PERFECT TAEKWONDO ACADEMY fosters an environment where practitioners are encouraged to learn at their own pace and according to their skill levels. Dedicated to promoting martial arts and fitness among the youth, the academy's trainers focus on both physical development and overall growth. PERFECT TAEKWONDO ACADEMY is unwavering in its commitment to shaping a healthier and more skilful community through martial arts education.
• On-Site Services
• Personal Development
Sanjeev Sood
Taekwondo Coach
Perfect Taekwondo Academy
99147-00289 78888-51507


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