Biden's Condition Shocks Allies At G7 Summit, With One Saying It's 'Worst He Has Ever Been'

8 months ago

Posted • June 20, 2024: Enough denialism: Democrats (and their media enablers) need to face the facts on President Biden’s cognitive decline. After The Post reported on Biden wandering away from the pack of G-7 leaders watching a parachuting demonstration, the White House jumped into “fake news” mode; Deputy Press Secretary Andrew Bates called it a “lie,” claiming the prez was just “saying congratulations to one of the divers and giving a thumbs up.” Thing is, Biden wasn’t supposed to do that, but to stay with the group, an instruction every world leader but him seemed to remember. “He went to go and shake all their hands,” explained UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak.

“Because they had all landed. And he was being very polite,” but “we were meant to stand in one place rather than go and say hello individually.” Fine. There is nothing usually wrong with going a little off-script. But what was most telling was the “what is he doing?” reaction of his peers: Video shows them looking concerned and confused by Biden’s behavior, as they all shuffled to close the gap with him until Italy’s Giorgia Meloni steps in to guide him back to the group. (…)

• More at: New York Post - Democrats’ denialism of Biden’s cognitive decline isn’t just unconvincing, it’s cruel
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