Br. Nathanael the Baptist: The Zionist Parasite Declares War on America

8 months ago

Br. Nathanael the Baptist: The Zionist Parasite Declares War on America

realzionistnews | nathanael kapner | anti-zionism | anti-israel | nwo
Published on Mar 27, 2010

...after bloodsucking it dry. From Obama's Death Care Bill, to the false rivalry between Obama-Biden and NethanYoYo, US Treasuries that will be rated AA by the BIS and won't be sold for AAA prices(leading to major government tax debts, which will finally finish off the US economy), all the way to the false Israeli cyberhacking allegations towards China, the Zionist elite and their puppets are obviously setting up America for Armageddon. Will the Zionists begin the war on the 9th anniversary of 911 with a false flag much worse than before, or will they fail again? It looks like the Zionists have completely lost control of the world's economy, and they are just as clueless as us as to what will happen next economically, but we know that it won't go their way. We know someone who has a good view of the situation, and he is America's leader and saving grace, Br. Nathanael the Baptist. Visit his site at for the hard facts and his accurate forcasts and opinions, for Br. Nathanael knows these devils inside and out better than the best of the informed goyim. Help support Br. Nathanael, for he is the Zionists' worst nightmare, the secret intellectual and holy sword that cuts through the ropes the Zionists bind and hang America with. There is no one else in America like Br. Nathanael: he is America's last hope, and maybe the world' last hope. If America can come together and become one holy sword in Christ with Br. Nathanael, the Zionists will finally lose control of America and they will completely fail. The problem is that America is not American enough: most are labotamized by the flouride, cell phones, pesticides, football, and lowliness to stand up tall and be American as God meant us to be: to speak the truth ceaslessly in the name of God and Country. Time is running out.

Interview excerpted from Mark Glenn's 03/17/10 interview qith Br. Nathanael.

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