White House Calls CCP's Actions in West Philippine Sea Highly Provocative and Unnecessary

6 months ago

06/18/2024 ANC 24/7: The White House described CCP's actions in the West Philippine Sea on Monday as provocative, reckless, and unnecessary, and it could lead to misunderstandings and miscalculations that could lead to something much bigger and much more violent. Philippine Defense Minister Gilberto Teodoro criticized Beijing, stating that CCP's actions are the true obstacles to peace and stability in the region.
#WestPhilippineSea #ProvocativeActions #USCondemnation #Chinese≠CCP
06/18/2024 菲律宾ANC新闻:白宫把中共周一在西菲律宾海的行动描述为挑衅、鲁莽且不必要,并且可能会导致误解和误判,进而引发更大、更暴力的冲突。菲律宾国防部长吉尔伯特·特奥多罗抨击了北京,称中共的行为是该地区和平与稳定的真正障碍。
#西菲律宾海 #挑衅行为 #美国谴责 #中共不等于中国人

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