P.H.P.- People Helping People

8 months ago

In this episode, we explore the world of decentralized services, highlighting free and paid options that allow you to take back control of your online presence. We discuss NixNet, Disroot, Hack Liberty, Framasoft, and Proton, covering their features, services, and benefits. From free services with generous storage limits to paid options with advanced features, we'll help you find the perfect solution to de-Google-ify your internet.
NixNet - https://nixnet.services
Disroot - https://disroot.org
Hack Liberty - https://hackliberty.org
Interloper - https://intr.cx
PrivacyDev - https://privacydev.net
Framasoft - https://degooglisons-internet.org/en/
Proton - https://proton.me
Murena - https://murena.io

Honorable mentions:
These are ones that I have not tried and could not figure out if these are open sourced or self hostable. They appear to be primarily geared towards business.
Zoho - https://zoho.com
Infomaniak - https://infomaniak.com
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